Rachel Respess LAC

Rachel is a Licensed Associate Counselor with the Arizona Board of

Behavioral Health Examiners as well as a Nationally Certified Counselor. A

Louisiana native, Rachel moved to Arizona following the completion of her

Master's Degree in Counselor Education at the University of New Orleans.

She trusts that people are capable of lasting transformation when they feel

safe, seen. and supported. She views her role as a provider of education,

encouragement, and a safe place to practice new ways of being. Rachel's

clinical experience has focused primarily on family and community support

with an emphasis on creating a strong therapeutic alliance as a foundation

upon which clients may build the confidence to make desired changes. Behind

her philosophy is the belief that all people are tasked with caring for and being

cared for by others as a crucial part of our shared humanity. In her free time,

Rachel enjoys hiking, reading, road trips, dancing, and spending time with

loved ones.